Why LASIK is an Investment Worth Making - Metro Eye Care

Why LASIK is an Investment Worth Making

LASIK eye surgery is an investment in your future. The better your vision, the better your quality of life.

LASIK allows you to be free from the bulky frames of glasses or the worry of contact lens care and maintenance. There are a handful of ways that LASIK improves your life, making it an investment to consider sooner rather than later.

Keep reading to learn why LASIK is an investment worth making!

LASIK Saves You Money

It may be hard to see the savings as LASIK is an upfront cost. But once you add up the years of paying for new prescription glasses, disposable contacts, lens solutions, and all the additional costs, you’ll come out ahead. 

In addition, there’s no price tag that can capture the savings that peace of mind brings you when every single moment of your day, you’re seeing everything with clear, sharp vision.

LASIK Saves You Time

You probably start your day the same way, every day: with blurry vision. To combat this, you have to put your contacts in or go searching for your glasses on your bedside table. 

With LASIK, the day begins as soon as you wake up because you’re ready to go. A few minutes in the morning and a few minutes at night to hassle with glasses and contacts add up to hours.

Thanks to the convenience of vision correction with LASIK, you can get this time back.

LASIK Pays for Itself Over Time

If you’ve put off LASIK thinking you had to pay the entire cost at the time of the procedure, think again! At Metro Eye Care, we offer financing. 

In addition to cash, check, and credit cards, you can apply for Care Credit, a healthcare credit card. Care Credit offers low monthly payments with flexible options. 

Pay for LASIK over time and enjoy the benefits of laser-corrected vision upfront. You can apply online or at our office during your LASIK consultation. 

Typically, most patients are able to pay off their LASIK financing in a couple of years.

LASIK Elevates Your Performance

Whether you’re into hot yoga, lifting weights, playing tennis, or swinging for the seats on your company’s softball team, you will go fiercer, faster, stronger, and better without contacts or glasses. No matter what your sport or activity is, LASIK gives you the edge.

LASIK Eases Allergy Symptoms

Fall ragweed. Spring tree pollens. Animal dander from cats and dogs. Even dust mites can set you off with itchy, reddened, watery eyes. 

Contacts only make allergy symptoms worse. Sometimes symptoms are so severe you must take a break from your lenses and wear glasses. LASIK takes all those worries away.

If you experience frequent allergies, LASIK can make allergy season much more bearable. 

After LASIK, You Can Be Lazy

Scrolling, swiping, reading, gaming, or even bingeing your favorite series is more comfortable with LASIK. After a long day, sometimes all you want to do is close your eyes and crash on the couch. 

As a contact lens wearer, you know you shouldn’t fall asleep with your lenses. With LASIK, you’ll never have to worry about napping and waking up to sticky contact lenses. 

Thanks to LASIK, you can enjoy total relaxation. 

Open your eyes to the carefree lifestyle that you’ll be able to enjoy for a lifetime after your LASIK procedure. Make your appointment now for the best fall ever!

Are you interested in learning if you may be a candidate for the LASIK procedure? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Metro Eye Care in Paramus, NJ, today!

Contact Us

523 Forest Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652
794 Franklin Ave
Suite 201
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417